Reproductive Services
Do you want to tighten up your calving pattern, or just get your cows preg tested? We use state of the art Easi-scan ultrasounds and can give you accurate calving dates.
We specialise in analysing your results and give you tips for improving your pregnancy rate next time.
Coming up to breeding and want the best results from your cows? Do you want to synchronise your herd, run an Fixed Time AI program for your heifers or just put in place strategies to ? We can put in place a plan that includes all relevant animal health treatments as well as a synchrony plan.
We can also advise on bull and AI sire selection, Looking at physical traits and choosing appropriate ABVs and EBVs to match your existing herd and your goals.
Want to target the dairy beef market and minimise the number of “bobby calves” sold for your farm. We can work with you on strategies and markets to achieve this (When preg testing less than 16 weeks after mating)